Awesomenauts in Humble Indie Bundle 8! Now also on Linux!


Awesomenauts is available in the Humble Indie Bundle 8! Joining Little Inferno, Capsized, Thomas was Alone and Dear Esther! If you pay more than the average price you also get the hit games Hotline Miami and the awesomely atmospheric Proteus! With this bundle Awesomenauts is debuting on Linux!
Humble Bundle works with a Pay What You Want structure. This literally means you determine the amount you pay, giving you acces to the Steam Keys, DRM free versions and soundtracks for al games! Of course you want the full bundle so be sure to beat that average price and remember that part of the proceeds go directly to charity!

Now you might already have Awesomenauts, so why, besides all the other amazing games in the bundle, would you want to buy Humble Bundle 8?

Well, because buying this bundle will give you the exclusive Cluck Clunk skin! The extra Awesomenauts key will surely find a good home with one of your friends or family!

Check out Cluck Clunk in action in the footage below and get the clucking bundle!