Kickstarter Final Stretch! Infinite Spectator Mode and Beyond!

You guys unlocked the INFINITE SPECTATOR MODE overnight! Holy jebus!

Could we dare dream of the New Character & Music goal? Join us to find out!

To celebrate the ending of this amazing Kickstarter campaign, we’re going to start Live Streaming on TwitchTV’s Ronimo Channel this evening! We’re starting at 19:30 CET (check out what that means for your timezone over here). We’ll play some games, answer some questions, eat some grub, it’s gonna be great! So don’t miss out!

We’ll also be revealing the mystery Skin that ALL backers will receive at the end of the campaign! Can you tell who it is? If you wanna know for sure, check out the Stream later today!

We also visited Sonic Picnic (the dudes behind all the awesome tunes and effects in Awesomenauts)yesterday and jumped into the recording booth there to start work on the Voltar Announcer! Our own Olivier throws down the smack talk to keep players quite grounded with their achievements in-game. Here’s theDrop-pod Blast Off line when you are shot out of the spaceship as a Sneak Peak..err.. Listen of Voltars announcing antics!