Kickstarter: Replays Bonus Goal Complete!

We thought the gap between $290.000 and the $380.000 Stretch Goals might be a bit too big for the little time the Kickstarter had left. After a lot of calculating and shifting, we separated Replays from Infinite Spectator mode, allowing us to insert it as a $330.000 Bonus Stretch goal.

However, you guys continue to blow us away!! We hit the $290k Bonus Goal on Saturday morning (CET) and after introducing the $330k one in the evening, we hit the target by Monday morning!

This is an insanely amazing feat! So what did this awesome weekend spree unlock? With this version of replays, you will be able to save your match locally and share it with friends. During a replay you can follow each of the ‘nauts individually or free-roam with the camera through the map, stop time, speed up or rewind, it’s all possible!
The Infinite Spectator Mode Stretch Goal is the next on the list! If we reach this stretch goal, we will combine the systems for replays and spectating into one glorious system. This allows any number of players to watch a live match and even skip through time, just like with replays. Detailed replays of all your matches are automatically saved and you can share them online through our own servers. You can browse all the public replays and watch them whenever you want. This makes Spectator invites unnecessary (but still possible) and allows for any number of players to spectate a single game at the same time!