Patch 1.14 is out! Bringing Seasonal Leaderboards!

With this patch comes a totally reworked leaderboard system! For full 1.14 patchnotes visit the forums:

Introducing Seasonal Leaderboards, these boards reset after a given set of days (now set to 2 month intervals) making battling for advancement more fun and less of a stalemate.

All your progress throughout the previous Leaderboards, called Seasons, are tracked and can always be viewed through the History button in the new Leaderboards screen. Clicking the buttons you see below will show you the entire Leaderboard of that Season with all the sorting features you’re used to.

Additionally, we’ve released two new skins! Strut your stuff, showing off your bling or disarm timebombs with only 7 seconds to spare! Pimpy G and Double-O Yuri join our colourful line-up!