Wave defending, news, and tournaments!

This week’s Streamisho focussed on the level editor and AI modding in particular. In case you missed it, the community news and the level editor info will be discussed in this update. If you prefer to watch the VOD on Youtube, you can do so here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSNnca0qq2o

Community news
The ALWB: Galactic Warfare tournament played their Grand Final last weekend and came to a close! The main event was won by the Killer Koalas after playing 5 matches against the Mind Collection. The Mind Collection won the first two matches but a great comeback and three consecutive wins ensured the win for the Killer Koalas. The last match was played on Sorona and you can watch it back in game by entering this matchID in the ‘Watch’ menu in-game: 2H8V5Y80.

The open competition finals also took place last weekend. The tournament was won by Is this Minecraft? Congratulations on winning!

Both the main event and the open competition were a great success and we want to thank the ALWB for organizing Galactic Warfare: The first Wave! We’re already looking forward to the sequel!

Skølldir showdown
Awesomenauts Rumble will start the Skølldir Showdown tournament this weekend. The tournament will have open qualifiers on Saturday, the 1st of April and the playoffs on the 2nd of April. Signing up is still possible until 8PM EST, 30th of March or the 31st of March, 03:00 EU time. Find all necessary information here and show off your Skølldir skills: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/AwesomenautsRumble#announcements/detail/483414726873167932

Only three more weeks remain to get prestige levels! The current prestige system will be replaced soon with a new system, so grab new levels while you can! We haven’t yet put a final date on when this ability to get new levels will be removed, but for now please assume you have three weeks left.

The icons you get now from prestiging will remain available to you when this system is gone, so don’t worry about any of your accomplishments going to waste. Whatever we’re replacing the system with will allow you to flaunt the icons you’ve already unlocked!

Now that all the kickstarter features have been released, we are closing the crowdfunding after the 12th of April. Crowdfunding pledges will still be possible before this date, if you really want to get Ghost Leon, Cyber Coco, the Voltar announcer and the Papa Gnaw announcer. All donations will still be going into the development of Awesomenauts.

Level editor contest
The level editor contest has started and is running until the 19th of April. Putting (contest) in the title of your existing or new map will make it eligible to win. For all the rules and the prizes, click here:

Check out all current submissions over here: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=204300&searchtext=contest&childpublishedfileid=0&browsesort=textsearch&section=home

Wave defence map
Davey & Joost demonstrated how to work with the AI and set up a wave defence map during the stream. They played with two others and tried to hold back waves of Scoops and Clunks trying to destroy the core. You can download the map here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=893966161